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Rossland religious community unites for Advent season

On Dec. 2, 2010, the religious communities of Rossland came together to celebrate the Advent Season at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with a musical and prayerful event.

Co-ed rec hockey filling up fast

The Tuesday / Sunday Co-Ed Rec Hockey nights have been SO popular, (and FULL!) we’ve added a new night to help get you on the ice! The extra ice time starts this Saturday, at 8:45 p.m. Dates and times over the next few weeks are; Saturdays at 8:45 p.m. — Jan. 22, Feb. 5, 12, and 19. Spaces fill quickly and there is a maximum number of players per night. If you would like to play, please ensure you arrive early!

A toast to those who went before

With freeskiers shredding, the day lodge cutting ribbons, and Winter Carnival just around the corner, it’s a full-on celebration! Imagine yourself in Rafters and raise your full glass with good cheer.

Cancer society calls for NRT funding

The Canadian Cancer Society BC and Yukon is calling on the B.C. government and Liberal leadership candidates to support smokers who wish to quit by providing funding for nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) for those British Columbia smokers trying to quit.

Keep trail clean

I have no qualms about scraping the snow off my skis after cross-country skiing on Centennial trail, but when I have to also scrape the dog poop off the bottom of my skis, that is another matter!

Pesticides are useful tools

Re: ‘Pesticide bylaw fails to launch,’ Jan. 13.

Loving living by a different set of rules

With the winter carnival quickly approaching I thought this would be a great time to share a few thoughts on our town.

Rossland should get on board with pesticide bylaws

Re: ‘Pesticide bylaw fails to launch,’ Jan. 13.

Advantages to small schools

Did you ever wonder how Rossland Secondary School has maintained its academic, artistic and athletic success in the face of the declining enrollment that most of the province has been experiencing?
B.C. VIEWS: Recall descends into ugly farce

B.C. VIEWS: Recall descends into ugly farce